PAY IT FORWARD You've heard the term “Pay It Forward” haven’t you? When you hear this, people usually say, “isn’t that nice”. I believe when folks practice that phrase they really are not concerned of what others are thinking about their gesture. I know for sure that it’s about passion...

The Real Ice Bucket Challenge

Truth be told - ALS and Statins I don’t know about you but I accepted the “Ice Bucket Challenge” this past summer. Just prior to dumping the cold stuff over my head I specifically mentioned the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis more commonly known as ALS website for others to gain information...

What’s Hiding?

What’s Hiding? Do you have any idea of what is causing you to always seem tired or down right fatigued? Fatigue can signal diabetes, anemia, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid or low thyroid) or hepatitis C. Let me help out with some hidden causes of fatigue. Are you getting enough omega-3’s? Fish has a...

Summer Hydration

July, August and maybe if we’re lucky into September we are working and living and don’t forget playing and exercising during these hot months. If you live in the Midwest or North East then you will agree that you may have had enough cold weather during this past winter. Your...