SKU: Posture-Medic Categories: ,

Posture Medic


This device helps you strengthen weak muscles, stretch tight muscles, and stabilize your upper body; creating Good posture!

SKU: Posture-Medic Categories: ,


Good Posture, Back Support, Improve Posture using Posture Medic!

Bad posture is the direct result of today’s society. The more time that you spend watching television, working at a desk, on the computer, or driving, the worse your posture becomes. As a result of these positions muscle imbalances are created. The muscles in the front of your shoulders and chest become extremely tight from the constant flexion and the muscles of your upper back become extremely weak.

Posture Medic™ has been designed specifically for off-setting these imbalances by helping you to stretch the muscles of your chest and strengthen the muscles of your upper back, resulting in helping you create good posture!

This device helps you strengthen weak muscles, stretch tight muscles, and stabilize your upper body; creating Good posture!

Posture Medic Do:

Do view all videos and how-to pictures in our Instructions booklet (pdf).
Do follow instructions.
Do begin by wearing only 15 minutes per day to assess the body’s imbalances.
Do begin by doing basic stretches 1x per day for 5-15 seconds to assess tightness.
Do begin by doing basic exercises 1x per day 15 repetitions to assess weakness.
Do use Posture Medic as a reminder to keep good posture.
Do basic exercises and stretches daily.

Posture Medic Do Not Do:

Do NOT wear for longer than 30 minutes at a time.
Do NOT continue to wear if any tingling in arms begins (immediately remove).
Do NOT continue to wear if any pain or pinching arises (immediately remove).
Do NOT count on Posture Medic to fix your posture just by wearing it, you must do the stretches and exercises to gain long-term success.
Do NOT use Posture Medic for ANY other purpose than is expressed through our instructions found in our Instruction booklet (pdf).


Additional information

Weight 1.4 oz


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